Star Trek Viewing Party


  • I’ve decided to host a weekly Star Trek viewing party
  • It’ll happen every Thursday
  • Probably 9pm eastern time (that’s 6pm pacific time) (check back here, this might change)
  • So far we’ve done DS9, so I’m leaning toward more DS9
  • Discord for chat, but DM me on Twitter if you want a link without signing up for Discord

Tell me more

I don’t know what else there is to say lol.

Okay I can explain some stuff I guess…


I’ll be using Teleparty to synchronize playback, but if you don’t want to use Chrome, or don’t want to install this extension, I’ll try to start whatever we’re watching at 5 minutes after the hour. You might drift a bit if we do something like skip the opening credits, but I’ll try not to do that.

I want to note that we will not be using Teleparty’s chat function. I don’t know any way to moderate chat there, so please don’t enable it. More on that in literally the very next section.


The day we were going to start doing this, Twitter went down for a few hours, so I decided to make a discord server that you can sign up for here. I really don’t intend to use it for anything except this Star Trek thing, so don’t expect lots of activity. Or any formal professional activity. Please don’t try to use this for professional networking. I don’t want to ban anyone.

You don’t have to sign up for discord, but after using discord it became more apparent to me that having niche conversations about Star Trek on one’s very public, possibly very carefully curated professional twitter account might be awkward for people who intentionally try not to talk about personal life stuff on a profile they only created because academia (or other work) seemed to force them to.

The invitation link shouldn’t expire or run out of invitations, but if you have trouble accessing Discord feel free to DM me. And, again, don’t feel obliged to use discord; I’ll tweet about these viewing parties, and I’m happy to post the teleparty link on twitter as well as discord (I may ask people to DM me for the link if trolls start showing up)

Anything else?

I’ll update here if there are any cool new developments, but like… I don’t want this to be an intense project. I’m definitely interested in episode suggestions and input about what shows to watch next, but not interested in like… actively promoting this or developing viewing games or anything like that. That being said, if you have ideas (like “take a drink every time Bashir and Garak have a moment”), feel free to share it in the discord or @ me on Twitter